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Are foreigners like our friend Peter Parker prohibited from owning real property in the Philippines?
As an OFW working abroad, can my wife be allowed to attend the Loan Counseling Sessions?
Aside from a house and lot owner like me, who else should be liable to pay Real Property Tax(RPT) and Special Education Fund Tax (SEFT)?
Documents Required for Registration of Real Property with the Register of Deeds
Does Pag-Ibig allow the transfer of existing housing loan to Pag-Ibig?
Does Pag-Ibig have any program for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)?
Helpful Tips On Land Registration in the Philippines
How can I avail of the Pag-Ibig Housing Loan?
How can I protect myself from fraudulent or spurious real property sellers or property developers?
How do I compute the RPT and SEFT on my house and lot?
How do the RPT and SEFT differ from VAT, CGT, CWT and DST?
If my daughter will marry Peter Parker who is a foreigner, can she still be allowed to acquire and own real property in the Philippines?
If my future husband and I agree on Complete Separation of Property to govern our property relations, do we need to execute any documents?
Law on Sale of Mortgaged Property
Law on Urban Development and Housing Program
My parents were married in 1955 long before the effectivity of the Family Code on August 4, 1988. What system should govern their property relations if they had not agreed on any system in a marriage settlement?
National Economy and Patrimony
Philippine Rental Law
Rates of Real Property Tax and Special Education Fund Tax in Metro Manila
Realty Installment Buyer Protection Act (The Maceda Law)
Rights of Former Filipino Citizens to Acquire Private Lands
The Condominium Law
The Dual Citizenship Law
The following registration procedure is presently generally observed and practised in the Philippines in case of sale or transfer of ownership of real property
The Subdivision and Condominium Buyer’s Protective Decree
What are considered private lands?
What are my obligations as owner of real property in the Philippines?
What are my rights as a Filipino citizen to acquire and own real property in the Philippines?
What are the requirements to qualify for a Pag-Ibig Housing Loan of the government?
What are the rights and restrictions of private corporations or associations organized under the Philippine laws in acquiring and owning real property in the Philippines?
What basic qualifications should I possess aside from my Philippine citizenship in order for me to buy real property in the Philippines?
What incentives will I get if I pay my RPT and SEFT promptly?
What is the legal basis in the imposition and collection by the local government units of the RPT and SEFT?
What is the rate of the Creditable Withholding Tax (CWT)?
What is the system of Absolute Community of Property and how will it affect my rights to the ownership, administration of, and income that I derive from, the property that I will bring into the marriage?
What is the system of Conjugal Partnership of Gains and what are the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the spouses under this system?
What is the system of Separation of Property and what are its characteristics?
What Philippine taxes are imposed on my house and lot in the Philippines?
What property are classified as ordinary assets?
What real estate transactions are subject to Creditable Withholding Tax (CWT)?
What sale or transfer of real estate is exempt from CWT?
What steps should I take before I buy any real property?
What will be my rights as owner of a condominium unit and other real property once I marry my fiance?
When is the VAT return required to be filed and the tax required to be paid?
When should I pay the RPT and SEFT on my house and lot?
When should the CWTbe paid?
Where do I register the sale of the house and lot that I purchased?
Where should I pay RPT and SEFT?
Where should the CWT be paid?
Who are liable to pay the creditable withholding tax?
Who are required to withhold or deduct the CWT?
Why are Pag Ibig members or borrowers required to attend Loan Counseling Sessions?
Why do I have to register the sale of the house and lot that I recently acquired?
Will I be penalized if I failed to pay my RPT and SEFT?
Real Estate FAQs
54 Posts / 7 Categories
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Philippine Real Estate FAQs
Land Registration Procedure
Property Relations Between Husband and Wife
Philippine Real Estate Laws
Real Estate Transaction Taxes
Real Property Acquisition
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